8. Alastair McIntosh - Scottish Constitutional Issues |
Classified Index of Articles on Identity, Belonging, Vision & Power
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This sub-index has been created for my key publications bearing on the debate on Scottish independence. For a wider selection on constitutional issues, identity and belonging, see my index pages on community, globalisation, land reform and religion. I support the civic nationalism of Scotland (which is very different from ethnic nationalism) because we are historically a nation in our own right, with our own distinctive legal, educational and church systems. Our politics are markedly different from those of the rest of the UK. For example, at the time of posting this, Scotland returns only one Conservative MP to Westminster. The outcome is a democratic deficit that falls far short of self-determination. It means we are not able to pursue the more egalitarian social policies that most Scots would favour. Of special concern to me, is that it forces us to host the unconscionable nuclear weapons of a more imperial age on our territory. I thought I should explain this to distinguish what is happening in Scotland today from the authoritarian populism of national movements in some other parts of Britain and Europe today. I see nations as communities of place writ large, and therefore not to be lightly written off by the homogenising hand of globalisation.
316. 2023, Political Theology and Public Service, Bella Caledonia, 21 February. PDF version here. 312. 2022, The Parallel Polis as a "Theatre of the Spirit" (essay on Czechoslovakia1968 & Ukraine-Russia 2022), The Alternative (ed. Pat Kane), 15 Aug. PDF version here. 311. 2022, Rethinking Civilised Society: Thoughts on Civil(ised) Society, University of York (Department of Politics) research contribution. PDF version here (and see other contributors' contributions here), 304. 2022, Community of Contested Discourse in the Gaelic Development Debate, Bella Caledonia, 23 February. PDF version here.
283. 2018, The State of the Nation Lecture 2018, St Andrew's Day, St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh - that's an audio link, for the text click here. For source references on St A, see here.
281. 2018, Keynote Address for the 25th Anniversary of the Assynt Crofters' Trust, The Assynt Crofters' Trust, Stoer, Sutherland, 2 July (pdf of original posting on their website).
278, 2018, The Manknell Doctrine - Oxfam and a half-century's political drivers of the Third Sector, Bella Caledonia, 4 March, PDF copy of web publication.
274, 2018, Rembering Kenyon Wright: India's Swaraj and the Scottish Parliament, Cable Magazine, Issue 7, January (was online, Scottish international affairs).
267, 2017, Waiting (poem responding to Pat Kane on the state of Scotland), The National, 18 March, p. 13 (full online article).
258, 2016, Frenchgate - a Case of Quaker Agency Capture?, Bella Caledonia, 28 March. PDF version here.
238, 2014, Where Stands Our Nineveh Today?, Sermon after the Scottish Referendum, delivered at Iona Abbey, Sunday 21 September.
237. 2014, "The Rising of the Kelpies" and, "Freeing the Unicorn", two mythological poems in the anthology, Scotia Nova: Poems for the Early Days of a Better Nation, ed. Alistair Findlay & Tessa Ransford, Luath Press, Edinburgh. 236. 2014, The Net of Saint Andrew: Sectarianism and British Constitutional Theology, Bella Caledonia, 2 August. 235. 2014, BBC Radio Scotland Thought for the Day scripts: Sectarianism or Saltire? (9 July) and The Referendum &Vocation of Nationhood (5 August). 233. 2014, Book Review of Donald Smith's Freedom and Faith & Doug Gay's Honey from the Lion (both on theology of Scottish independence referendum), Third Way, 37:5, June, p. 40. 226. 2014, A Culture of Contempt: the Telegraph, R.D. Laing & Scottish Independence, Bella Caledonia opinion piece, February 19th. For non-interactive but permanent PDF version click here. 220. 2013, Keynote Address, The Future is Local, Scottish Community Alliance with Scottish Government, 26 April. 197. 2008, Land, Identity, School: Exploring Women's Identity with Land in Scotland Through the Experience of Boarding School (PDF), with Chriss Bull (1) and Colin Clark (3), Oral History: Journal of the Oral History Society, Autumn 2008, Vol. 36:2, 75 - 88. 173. 2005 (with new Foreword 2020), The Dream Job: 21 Steps to enhance Black and Ethnic Minority opportunities in Scotland, (co-authored by Alastair McIntosh, Vérène Nicolas, Tara O'Leary, Jane Rosegrant & Nick Wilding; Foreword by Tesfu Gessesse, Chair of EMPOWER), EMPOWER, Equal, European Social Fund & Centre for Human Ecology, Edinburgh, 23 September, 28pp.. 150. 2003, Constitutional Theology, Community & Sovereignty of the Sea, in International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Conference 2001, International Union for Land Value Taxation, London, 2003, 70-85. Now also in PDF. 128. 2001, Land Reform and National Identity, Le Monde Diplomatique, Paris, No. 572-48, November, p. 6, co-authored with Vérène Nicolas. Published in French translation, as Quand l'Ecosse Distribue les Terres: Vent de Réformes Après la Conquête de L'Autonomie, in English original, London, p. 13 (with The Guardian Weekly by subscription and on website) as Scotland plc - Land Reform and National Identity, in German/Swiss editions as Das Geheimnis des wahren Schotten, and in Spanish (Chilean edition) as Reforma agraria e identitaria en Escocia (December 2001 edition). 115.
2000, Who’s a Real Scot? The Report of “Embracing Multicultural
Scotland”, Centre for Human Ecology, Edinburgh, 28pp., (with Hanna Maan (1), Nick Wilding (2), Vérène Nicolas (3) and Amadu
Khan (4)). 113.
2000, Saint Andrew – Nonviolence and National Identity, Theology in
Scotland, St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews, VII:1, 55-70
PDF Version. 112.
2000, The Case for God: Carbeth Hutters’ Feudal Defence Against Eviction, Ecotheology,
Sheffield Academic Press, Issue 8, 86-110.
1999, People & Parliament: Reshaping Scotland? Let the People Speak (the
Full Technical Report of the People & Parliament Project), People &
Parliament Trust, Edinburgh, convened by Canon Kenyon E Wright, chair of the
Scottish Constitutional Convention (I undertook structuring the research
methodology, analyzing data and drafting this report, but it represents the
collective work of the Trust as a whole. The names of the 11 members of the
Steering Committee, who should be considered as co-authors, are listed in the report, which might be
cited as “Wright, K., McIntosh, A., et. al.”), 101pp. -
now in PDF - this link is to Exec version which has other links.